Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. A frozen shoulder typically develops gradually, and symptoms can include difficulty moving the shoulder, pain at night and a reduced range of motion.
Frozen shoulder predominantly occurs among people having a history of surgery or an injury to the shoulder and in people with diabetes or other medical conditions that affect the immune system.
In Ayurveda, a frozen shoulder is called Gaurava. A frozen shoulder, according to Ayurveda, is caused by an accumulation of the Vata dosha in the shoulder joint. Vata dosha is responsible for movement and circulation in the body, and an imbalance of Vata can lead to stiffness, dryness, and joint pains.
In the case of a frozen shoulder, the accumulation of Vata in the shoulder joint causes thickness and stiffness in and around the capsule, leading to decreased range of motion and pain.
Certain factors can contribute to the accumulation of Vata in the shoulder joint, including poor diet, chronic stress, and lack of physical activity. Other contributory factors may include injury, surgery, or a chronic health condition such as diabetes.
Additionally, improper lifestyle habits, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of proper exercise and muscle strengthening, improper posture, and exposure to cold or dry weather can also cause the build-up of vata and result in frozen shoulders.

Causes of frozen shoulder

The exact cause of frozen shoulder is not well understood, but several factors are associated with its development:

  • Injury or surgery: Frozen shoulder is more common in people who have had surgery or an injury to the shoulder.
  • Medical conditions: People with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, thyroid problems, or heart and lung disease, have a higher risk of developing a frozen shoulder.
  • Age: Frozen shoulder is more common among people between 40 and 60 years.
  • Gender: Women are more likely to develop frozen shoulders than men.
  • Immobilization: People who have to keep their arm in a sling or cast for an extended period may develop a frozen shoulder.
  • Overuse of Shoulders: People who use their shoulders a lot in work or sports may develop frozen shoulders.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of proper exercise and muscle strengthening, improper posture, and exposure to cold or dry weather can also cause the build-up of vata and result in a frozen shoulder.

A frozen shoulder can develop without any underlying cause. Frozen shoulders having no known underlying causes are called primary or idiopathic adhesive capsulitis. It is necessary to consult a frozen shoulder doctor in Chandigarh to get a proper diagnosis and treatment protocol. Dr Jyotiraditya is an ayurvedic doctor who helps treat frozen shoulders with Ayurveda and panchakarma.

Symptoms of frozen shoulder

The symptoms of a frozen shoulder typically develop gradually and can include:

  • Pain: Pain in the shoulder that may be dull or achy and can be severe enough to wake you up at night.
  • Stiffness: Difficulty moving the shoulder, especially when trying to reach overhead or behind your back.
  • Reduced range of motion: The shoulder becomes increasingly difficult to move, and the range of motion decreases.
  • Weakness: The shoulder may feel weaker than the other shoulder.
  • Cracking or popping sounds: The shoulder may make a cracking or popping sound during its motion.

Symptoms of a frozen shoulder can vary from person to person, and not everyone will experience all of the symptoms. The condition of a frozen shoulder can last for several months or even a couple of years, and the symptoms may improve gradually over time. In some cases, the symptoms may worsen before they improve.

It is necessary to visit a frozen shoulder doctor or a specialist in Chandigarh, especially when the pain or stiffness is severe or the shoulder joint is becoming increasingly difficult to move. The doctor diagnoses and recommends the best treatment plan. Dr Jyotiraditya is one of the doctors who help treat frozen shoulders with the help of Ayurveda and panchkarma.

Ayurvedic treatment for frozen shoulder

Ayurvedic treatment of frozen shoulder involves a combination of herbal remedies, massage therapy, and dietary changes.

  • Ayurvedic medicines: Herbs such as Dashmool Kwath and Guggulu help reduce inflammation and improve joint mobility.
  • Ayurvedic oil massage therapy: Massaging the shoulder with medicated warm oils help relieve pain and improve the range of motion.
  • Panchakarma therapy: Panchakarma therapy such as Abhyanga (massage with herbal medicated warm oil), Svedana (sweat-inducing therapy, potli massages), basti karma (medicated enema) and Marma (pressure points) therapies are also effective in treating frozen shoulder.
  • Dietary changes: Avoiding foods that are dry, cold and light in nature aggravates Vata dosha. Consuming warm, cooked and nourishing foods that are easy to digest is recommended.

It’s important to note that Ayurvedic treatments are most effective when managed according to an individual’s needs and constitution. , and it’s always recommended to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any treatment. Dr Jyotiraditya is a qualified ayurvedic physician in Zirakpur.


What is the main cause of frozen shoulder?

The main cause of a frozen shoulder is not well understood, but the accumulation of Vata in the shoulder joint may be the main cause. Other factors that may contribute to the development of a frozen shoulder include injury or surgery, medical conditions, age, gender, immobilization, overuse of the shoulder and improper lifestyle habits.

What are the first signs of a frozen shoulder?

The first signs of a frozen shoulder include pain, stiffness, decreased range of motion, weakness and cracking or popping sounds when moving the shoulder. These symptoms develop gradually and may become more severe over time. It is important to consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

Dr. Jyotiraditya Agarwal

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