April 3, 2020


Natural healing for acne

Acne refers to the unwanted outgrowths over the skin that is primarily caused due to over activity of certain glands present under the skin. Of course, it is an irritating skin condition that intervenes with the overall beauty and appearance of the affected person. Most people get affected with acne during puberty and particularly females at the time of menstrual periods every month. It is all attributed to the hormonal changes taking place in the body that may lead to over secretion of oils from the sebaceous glands. People suffering from acne try different types of remedies or other cures to get rid acne. However, only few of them are lucky in achievement of the desired results.

The cosmetic products or other medicines used for management of this condition may in fact aggravate the condition further. Fortunately, Mother Nature has blessed us with the powers of nature that help in offering safe cure from acne. It is available in the form of ayurvedic treatment for acne that is offered by Nidanam Wellness Clinic wherein experts offer various types of natural therapies under the guidance of Dr. Jyotiraditya Aggarwal. You may also get connected with such a clinic and get benefited in terms of freedom from acne.

What does acne actually meant?

As per medical science, acne is chiefly a skin condition that is the result of over activity of the sebaceous gland. This gland is present at the base of the hair follicles. Due to use of excess of cosmetic products or hormonal changes taking place in the body, this gland gets activated more than needed. These oils ooze out through the small pores formed by the hair follicles into the skin. Combination of the hair, sebum and the skin cells fill up the follicle thereby giving rise to acne when it comes into contact with bacteria. It means acne is basically mild bacterial infection. These may appear in the form of whiteheads below the skin surface and in the form of blackheads above its surface. In some cases, inflammation of the acne results in lesions called as papules. Some people suffer from cystic acne that is characterized by deep and painful pus-filled lesions. These lesions may result in scarring.

Key causative factors for Acne

As per medical science, acne may be caused as a result of numbers of factors that may be related to the diet, lifestyle or the family history of the concerned person. Use of certain medicines, extreme mental stress, irregularity of menstrual cycles in females, overuse of cosmetic products and so on. In some cases, it may be triggered due to excessive exposure to pollutants, harmful radiations or other hazardous elements. People who are in the habit of touching their face quite frequently or neglect skin hygiene may also fall easy prey to this condition. Timely management of acne safeguards against further aggravation of the same.

Acne as per ayurvedic viewpoint

In accordance with ayurveda, acne is chiefly and in most of the cases caused due to bacterial infection. Apart from bacterial infection, people who are engaged in excessive intake of oily and spicy foods may also suffer from this condition. It is referred to as Yauvanpidika as per ayurveda. The basic meaning of ‘yauvan’ is adolescence and ‘pidika’ stands for pustules or the papules. Since diet has a direct link with occurrence of acne therefore ayurveda focuses on correcting the dietary habits of people affected with acne. Primarily, imbalance of the Pitta Dosha is held responsible for occurrence of acne. This disturbance ultimately leads to vitiation of the rakta and medadhatus means blood and the fat tissues. The deeper layers of the skin start getting piled up with toxins due to increase in the Pitta Dosha.

What does ayurveda suggest for Acne cure?

Since acne is an outcome of the imbalance and excess of Pitta Dosha in the body therefore ayurveda primarily focuses on bringing about the balance amidst all the three body energies or the doshas. For this, use of various herbal ingredients and natural therapies is suggested by ayurvedic clinics including the Nidanam Wellness Clinic that has been offering proper care and ayurvedic treatment to the patients under the supervision of highly knowledgeable Dr. Jyotiraditya Aggarwal. Chiefly, such herbs are used that are rich in antibacterial properties so that the problem of acne may be cured quickly and effectively. At the same time, focus on following a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle are also recommended by ayurveda.

Commonly used Ayurvedic therapies for Acne as Suggested by Dr. Jyotiraditya.

As per ayurvedic medicine world, certain therapies are used commonly and extensively by the relevant healthcare practitioners as illustrated below.


Under this therapy, the affected person is offered a facial massage. For this, a face pack that is prepared with the mixture of turmeric and certain antibacterial herbs like neem is applied to the affected areas of the skin. It helps in deep cleansing of the skin to remove the excess of oils and also the toxins deep seated under the skin layers.


Again it is a facial massage treatment that makes use of the Navra Rice. It is aimed at prevention of the sagging of the skin and removal of the toxins on the facial skin in order to remove the acne and pimples. At the same time, it also helps in improvement of youthful glow and radiance on the skin.

Vaman and Virechanam

These are basically the body detoxification treatments. These therapies are meant for such people wherein the pimples and acne are caused due to excessive accumulation of toxins and other hazardous elements in the body.


Under this therapy, certain herbal or natural ingredients rich in antifungal and antibacterial properties are applied to the skin in the form of a paste. It is meant to improve the skin luster and natural skin radiance.

People who are affected with acne may get rid of this problem for good and in safe manners with the help of ayurvedic cures and therapies and get benefited amazingly.

You can contact Nidanam Wellness and reach our to Dr. Jyotiraditya for targeted treatment for acne and other skin related problems.

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